2022 Walker Trip - GEOL 260: Geology of the Western USA
WHEN: May 14-22, 2022.
WHAT: Field trip across some of the most spectacular geology in the Western USA. We will visit National Parks like Arches, Canyonlands, Great Sand Dunes and Mount Capulin, as well as geologic sites such as Dinosaur Ridge, the KPg Boundary in the Raton Basin, and the Great Unconformity.
- May 14: Lincoln to Denver, some geology en route, camp near Denver
- May 15: Geology of the Front Range, camp near Denver
- May 16: Denver to Fruita , some geology on route, camp in Fruita
- May 17: Geology of Arches National Park, wild camp in Moab
- May 18: Geology of Canyonlands, camp near Monticello
- May 19: Geology of the Paradox Valley, camp near Alamosa
- May 20: Geology of the Rio Grande Rift, camp near Alamosa
- May 21: Geology of the Rio Grande Rift and KPg boundary, camp near Trinidad
- May 22: Trinidad to Lincoln, arriving LATE!
- Camping each night
- Dinner each day subsidized by UNL
- Travel costs paid by UNL
- Scholarships available to help cover class credit costs (1x summer session 200-level credit)
- For more details, please the syllabus available here and the presentation available here
HOW: Contact cburberry2@unl.edu by March 11, and put “WALKER TRIP 2022” in the subject line of the email. Indicate the following in your email:
- Why you would like to go
- Whether you would like to be considered for a scholarship
- Why you should be considered for a scholarship
As of Sunday, March 6, only 2 students have expressed interest in this opportunity, and a minimum of 8 students are required for the trip to be possible. Please contact Dr. Burberry AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if you are interested.