Hello Geology Majors,
I hope that you are doing well and that you continue to be healthy as the rolls along. If you or your family is being impacted in any way by the current conflict in the Ukraine, please do not hesitate to reach out to me as it is possible that UNL will have resources that can help.
We are nearing the halfway point of Spring 2022 semester courses, and the official halfway point is Friday, March 11. Friday, March 11 is also the last day of classes prior to Spring Break, so it is helpful to check the academic calendar in mind. I will be in the office and available during Spring Break if there is anything that I can help with.
At this point of the semester, you have probably had an exam or two or a more assignment or project due in each of your classes. Past course instructors have told me that students who take the time to review their exams or projects with them are normally able to improve on future exams by about a full letter grade. I would strongly encourage you to review your exam performance with your course instructors as I believe this is the best way for you to improve on future assessments in your courses.
On Monday, March 7th, open registration for the Summer 2022 semester will begin. Each summer semester is broken into four different sessions, and this summer's sessions will be as follows:
Pre-Session: Monday, May 16 to Friday, June 3 (3 weeks) - 4 credit hour limit
8-Week Session: Monday, May 16 to Friday, July 8 - 10 credit hour limit
First 5-Week Session: Monday, June 6 to Friday, July 8 - 7 credit hour limit
Second 5-Week Session: Monday, July 11 to Thursday, August 11 - 7 credit hour limit
There is also a limit of 10 total credit hours when you are enrolled in during both the 8-Week Session and either the Pre-Session or the First 5-Week Session. While it is technically possible to enroll in 18 total credit hours during a summer semester, it is unlikely that many students will be able to do so.
On Monday, March 28th, Priority Registration for the Fall 2022 semester will begin. Remember that unlike open summer registration, Priority Registration is done in periods for different levels of students with seniors and graduate students going first, then junior, and so forth. Each class level is randomly divided between three days, and there are no registration times assigned over the weekends. This is why Priority Registration lasts for more than two weeks.
To my current knowledge, we won't be having any mini-sessions or pre-/post-sessions for the Fall 2022 semester, so you can expect most courses to run for the full 16 week semester including final exam week. There are always mini-session courses that start and end within the full semester, but these courses are normally on one credit hour and incapable of completing general education requirements. Overall, students are normally only allowed to enroll in a maximum of 20 credit hours for a fall or spring semester. However, most students do not enroll in more than 15 or 16 credit hours.
Remember with Spring Break being the week of March 14-18, there are only three weeks of classes between now and the beginning of Priority Registration for the Fall 2022 semester. Students on academic probation, students in their first or second semesters at UNL, or students who have completed 75+ credit hours have holds placed on their Summer 2022 and/or Fall 2022 semester registration.
In almost all cases, I cannot lift these registration holds without a meeting to discuss how the current semester is going and what your future course plans. For students on academic probation, we may need to have a couple of meetings over the course of the semester, so I strongly, strongly encourage to schedule a meeting with me as soon as possible. I look forward to meeting with all of you!
Best wishes, Doug
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