BroadCAST Webinar w/ ACLU NE Executive Director Danielle Conrad
Friday, March 4, Noon - 1:00 pm
A native of Seward, NE, Conrad holds both a B.A. and Juris Doctor degrees from UNL. After joining the NE State Bar Association, she joined the NE Appleseed Center for Law in the Public Interest, a non-partisan/non-profit organization providing legal counsel to lower-income, minority, and immigrant groups in the state. Conrad served as a State Senator in the NE State Legislature from 2007-2015 and is now the Executive Director of ACLU NE.
BroadCAST, the webinar interview series of the UNL Center for Academic Success & Transition, features conversations about life, education and the value of the liberal arts between CAST Senior Program Coordinator Dan Hutt and highly successful guests from diverse backgrounds.