SEAS President Message and Upcoming Meeting
Hello all!
My name is Megan Heins, and I am this year’s Students of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (SEAS) President. We hope you’ve had a great summer and are looking forward to getting to see everyone in person this year.
We will be having a small meeting on Friday, September 9th, at 3 pm to discuss club involvement, activities for the year, as well as announcing a t-shirt design contest. We are attempting to plan a movie night in the coming weeks, and are looking to see who all is interested, and what time works best for everyone. We will be meeting outside of Bessey Hall 202, and if the weather permits, we may hold the meeting outside!
Students in the Earth and Atmospheric Department are all already members, you do not have to pay any dues! We hope this club can be a way for us all to connect with each other and learn more about our disciplines.
Fliers are posted throughout Bessey Hall as reminders.
Looking forward to seeing you all!
Megan Heins
SEAS President
PhD Candidate