Southeast Community College Math & Science Tutor Positions
The Southeast Community College Tutoring & Learning Center is looking for Math and Science tutors. Under the general supervision of the Transition Academic Coaches, these tutors will assist college students looking for assistance with related assignments/classes. Tutors work in both face-to-face (at the 88th & "O" street location) and online sessions. All tutors receive paid training.
Minimum Qualifications
1. Recommendation/reference from an instructor or graduate school advisor or previous tutoring experience.
2. Completed intended courses to tutor with a B or higher.
Desired Qualifications
1. Tutoring or mentoring experience.
2. Familiarity with community colleges and community college students.
Apply at https://southeast.peopleadmin.com/postings/7286!
Questions? Please contact Annaliese Chaudhuri, Academic Coach, achaudhuri@southeast.edu.