NCESR is taking applications for the 2023 Summer Undergraduate Internships
The Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research (NCESR) is taking applications for the 2023 Summer Internships for undergraduates in energy sciences research. They will award seven internships this year.
The Darrell J. Nelson Summer Undergraduate Internship in Energy Sciences Research is being offered for the tenth year in the amount up to $6,000 per recipient for the summer of 2023. The application deadline is Friday, February 17, 2023 at 5:00 pm CT.
Instructions for the 2023 application can be found here.
The application form with instructions can be found at NCESR 2023 Summer Undergraduate Internship Application Form . It is a DocuSign form so you will need to sign in with your UNL ID and password, and then click on “Begin Signing” to access the application form.
To learn more about previous NCESR summer undergraduate internship projects, go to Undergraduate Summer Internship Posters.
This internship opportunity is also posted on the NCESR website. If you have any questions, please contact Sue Wesely at swesely4@unl.edu.