Geology Student Spotlight

Geology Student Spotlight
Geology Student Spotlight

Geology Student Spotlight

The Geology Student Spotlight is your opportunity to learn a bit more about one of your fellow Geology majors at UNL. This week, Osama Al Sawaai from Jalan Bani Bu Hassan, Oman, is in the spotlight.

Name: Osama Al Sawaai
Major: Geology
Year in School: Senior

Where are you from?

I am from the city of Jalan Bani Bu Hassan in Oman, about three hours away from the capital, Muscat.

What gets you excited about Geology?

What first excited me about geology was the job opportunities, especially in Oman, given its oil-based economy. But once I started studying geology, I grew to love it because it's like solving a puzzle. Each observation and study helps piece together a story, which makes every learning experience exciting.

Favorite Geology class or instructor so far? Why?

My favorite geology class has been the Summer Field Course. It covered almost everything I’ve studied so far and allowed me to put it into action. It was a great way to connect the dots in a real-life experience. I enjoyed going out almost every day, hiking in beautiful places, working with a team, and mapping. Starting with nothing at the beginning of the day and ending with a beautiful map was incredibly satisfying.

What are you excited about doing after graduation?

I’m excited to start working as a geologist, hopefully in Oman, where I can use the skills I’ve developed in the U.S. and apply them in Omani geological contexts since I haven’t done much geology in Oman yet. I also want to continue learning and possibly contribute to geological research in the region.

What is a goal you have accomplished as a Husker?

I don’t have a specific goal, but I am proud of my time here, being able to balance my life between school, work, and personal time, and ending every semester with a satisfying result in all these aspects.

What do you wish you would have known when you started as a Geology Major that you know now?

I wish I had known the importance of the basics and spent more time on them in early geology classes. It would have saved a lot of time in future courses. I also wish I had known about the different resources the department offers and the help that’s available if you just ask.

What do you hope to cross off your “bucket list” in the next few years?

I have many things in mind, but one geology-related goal is to be flown to a beautiful place to do geology. It’s a bit vague, but that’s something I would love to experience.

If you would like to see yourself in the spotlight, please contact Doug for more information.