Electronic versions of proposals must be received by February 14, 2025
A. Origin and Scope of the Research Grants
The Yatkola-Edwards Research Grants honor two University of Nebraska-Lincoln geology students, Dan Yatkola and Paul Edwards, who were killed in an auto accident on March 12, 1976. Both students were actively involved in research on Nebraska-related topics. The Nebraska Geological Society (NGS), wanting to encourage the investigation of the regional Earth sciences in the state, named its research grants program in their honor. Through the generosity of members and friends of the NGS, a total of 115 research grants totaling more than $43,400 have been awarded to students since 1977.
At least two graduate-level research grants and two undergraduate research grants are available for 2025. Funding amounts are usually between $750-1200 for graduate-level proposals. NGS will apply for additional matching funds from AAPG. Funding from these grants must be used only for expenses incurred either during qualifying research (see “Guidelines for Proposals” below) or during the publication of said research.
B. Guidelines for Research Grant Proposals
Proposals must meet the following criteria in order to be considered for a Yatkola-Edwards Research Grant:
1. The author of the research grant proposal must be an undergraduate or graduate student who is currently attending a Nebraska college or university.
2. The topic of the research grant proposal must lie within the realm of what is normally considered the Earth sciences.
3. The research area described in the proposal must lie within Nebraska, although it may include all or part of one or more adjacent states. If unsure, contact us.
4. Individuals may receive more than one grant during his/her academic career but the proposal must focus on a different research question.
An application for a Yatkola-Edwards Research Grant consists of a research grant proposal and a reference letter. The reference letter can be submitted separately from the grant proposal via email. Both of these documents must be submitted electronically to the address provided below by February 14, 2025.
The research grant proposal should be single-spaced and written in 12-point type, and it must consist of the following parts:
1. TITLE (the title of the research grant proposal in all capitals, centered)
2. Applicant name (centered under the title, two spaces below it)
3. Outline of Problem (under that heading, and to be 400 words or less in length; include a description of any scientific hypotheses to be tested)
4. Significance and Anticipated Results (under that heading, and to be 100 words or less in length; stress the importance of the proposed research in terms of real and/or applied science)
5. References (under that heading, and to include all literature cited in #3 and 4 above)
6. Applicant Biosketch (under that heading, to be in telegraphic form and approximately one paragraph in length), which must include: a) degrees and colleges attended in reverse chronological order (in this form: year/years: degree/attendance, institution) and b) other grants or scholarships awarded for their current research or for other research programs, in reverse chronological order (in this form: year: award amount, title of proposal, name of granting organization or agency)
The reference letter:
1. Must be authored and signed by the student applicant’s faculty advisor.
2. Must reference the title of the proposal and the student applicant.
3. Must include: a) comments on the scientific merit of the proposed research and b) an assessment of the applicant’s intellectual ability to carry out the proposed research.
An example of a successful proposal can be found on the NGS website (https://nebraskageologicalsociety.org/NGS-Grants).
C. Post-Award Responsibilities
Yatkola-Edwards Research Grant awardees will complete the research that they have proposed within a timely manner that coincides with the duration of their degree program.
All recipients MUST present a 10-15 minute, informative oral presentation summarizing the results of their research, at an NGS meeting within a year after the awarding of the grant.
D. Inquiries and Contact Information
Please address any inquiries to the Yatkola-Edwards Grant Committee co-chair: Shane Tucker, University of Nebraska State Museum (stucker3@unl.edu); (402) 472-2657.
Completed proposals and letters of reference must be submitted electronically as PDFs by February 14, 2025 to stucker3@unl.edu. Subject line: Yatkola-Edwards Grant Committee, Nebraska Geological Society, c/o Shane Tucker