Start your academic career in one of our full-time residential Ph.D. programs in Economics or Business (with specializations in Accountancy, Finance, Management, Marketing or Supply Chain Management and Analytics). Our research and teaching assistantships provide you with valuable hands-on experience where you collaborate closely with faculty who are committed to your success. Our large number of graduate faculty relative to a small number of students means that you can receive personalized support from faculty mentors who work with you on research, with the goal of publishing journal articles that will enhance your post-graduate career opportunities as university faculty or researchers.
Attend a virtual information session with Jake Messersmith on Wednesday, November 2 at 7 p.m. CT. No RSVP required, click the link below to join: https://unl.zoom.us/j/99021336767#success
Ph.D. program applications are currently being accepted for Fall 2023, with an August start date.
More details at: https://business.unl.edu/academic-programs/phd-programs/