Applying for scholarships and awards

Applying for scholarships and awards can help financially support you as a graduate student and it may also help you find valuable resources to benefit you professionally.
Applying for scholarships and awards can help financially support you as a graduate student and it may also help you find valuable resources to benefit you professionally.

Funding is a concern for many graduate students and many apply for scholarships, fellowships, or awards. Some may also come with valuable professional development or networking opportunities. Look for all the opportunities available to you. Firstly, the Office of Graduate Studies has awards and fellowships. Some of these require departmental nominations based on exemplary research or teaching work. Others may be open for any interested students to apply, so check the requirements carefully.

Look for fellowships or scholarships through your professional organizations or for those with specific cultural backgrounds. Common organizations that offer fellowships and scholarships are included in our most recent blog post on Graduate Connections.