Nominations sought for future leaders of higher education committed to equity, community engagement

Deadline: September 30, 2022

The K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Awards recognize graduate students who show exemplary promise as future leaders of higher education and who are committed to academic innovation in the areas of equity, community engagement, and teaching and learning. The awards honor the work of K. Patricia Cross, professor emerita of higher education at the University of California–Berkeley.


All doctoral-level graduate students who are planning a career in higher education are eligible, regardless of academic discipline. Graduate students in fields where the master’s degree is the terminal degree, such as the MFA in art, are also eligible. Nominees must hold student status in January 2023 and demonstrate:

  • leadership ability or potential for exercising leadership in teaching and learning, with a strong commitment to academic innovation, community engagement, and equity; and
  • leadership or mentorship in the development of others as leaders, scholars, and citizens.
Nomination Process

Eligible students must be nominated by a faculty member or administrator; self-nominations will not be accepted. The following nomination materials are required:
  • letter of nomination from a faculty member or administrator
  • supporting letter from a second faculty member or administrator
  • statement from the student indicating how he or she meets the award criteria
  • copy of the student’s curriculum vitae
All nomination materials must be submitted electronically no later than 11:59 pm ET on September 30, 2022. Submit your nomination and supporting documents online.

The Award

The K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Awards provide full financial support for recipients to attend AAC&U’s Annual Meeting, which will be held from January 18–20, 2023. The award also includes a 1-year affiliation with AAC&U and subscription to Liberal Education magazine.

All finalists—including the winners—will be inducted into the AAC&U Future Leaders Society and have access to an exclusive community designed to support ongoing engagement, collaboration, and support.