POSTDOCS: Learn proactive strategies for shaping mentoring relationships on Dec. 13-14

December 13, 1-5PM; December 14, 1-5PM,
Nebraska Union, Regency B-C

“Mentoring Up: Proactive Management of your Mentoring Relationship,” is a 2-part workshop series presented by Dr. L.J. McElravy, Associate Professor, Agricultural Leadership, Education & Communication and Associate Dean for Professional Development, Office of Graduate Studies.

Proactively shape your mentoring relationship(s) and work environments. Based on the curriculum provided by the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER), this "Mentoring Up” workshop series includes seven areas of research trainee development: building research self-efficacy, maintaining effective communication, aligning expectations, addressing equity and inclusion, enhancing work-life integration, fostering independence, and promoting professional development.

Postdocs can register today to reserve a space in this informational workshop on mentoring relationships.