Dr. Nina Flores Talk on Targeted Harassment

Head shot of Dr. Nina Flores
Head shot of Dr. Nina Flores

Dr. Nina Flores, Senior Fellow with the University of California National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement, will be presenting her research on targeted harassment of faculty in a public talk on Monday, October 23, 4-5pm in the City Campus Union, Platte River Room South.

Talk: Tweets, Threats, and Censorship: Supporting Faculty Through Incidents of Targeted Harassment

Graduate students are invited to a reception and informal Q&A with Dr. Flores following the talk in the Platte River Room North, 5-6pm. Light refreshments will be served, courtesy of the Office of Graduate Studies.

More details at: https://freespeechcenter.universityofcalifornia.edu/fellows-20-21/flores-research/