Starting from the 2024-25 academic year, certain graduate students supported by stipends from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln will see an enhancement in their compensation structure. Those on a .49 FTE (full-time equivalent) basis will receive a minimum academic-year stipend of $15,000, increased from $14,000 last year. Graduate students holding positions at or above this minimum threshold will benefit from a waiver for full-time tuition and coverage of 79% of their health insurance premium.
This increase in the minimum stipend contributes to an overall increase in academic-year compensation, raising it to $26,651 for residents and $42,923 for non-residents, covering 12 credit hours each semester. Most graduate students on assistantship already receive more than then minimum stipend and will not be impacted by this change.
If you have any questions please contact your department.
More details at: https://graduate.unl.edu/