Chancellor Bennett has extended an invitation to the Graduate Student Assembly (GSA) to include a representative on the university’s Cabinet. Venn Jemkur, President of the Graduate Student Assembly, is representing graduate students in this role and attended her first meeting in February. Future GSA presidents or their designees will serve as the voice of this community at the leadership table moving forward.
This is a time in which higher education, including the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, faces significant challenges. We need all UNL’s brightest minds and voices to contribute to solutions. This includes ensuring that the voices of graduate students are elevated and thoughtfully considered as decisions are made.
Venn joins Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, and ASUN representatives who were added to the Cabinet last fall. Those additions further strengthened shared governance and collaboration at UNL, and Chancellor Bennett anticipates the addition of Graduate Student Assembly will do so as well.
Please help us in welcoming Venn and GSA to the University Cabinet.