Spring Research Fair

Research Fair
Research Fair

The annual Spring Research Fair will be held April 10-11 in the Nebraska Union. The Graduate Student Poster Session will be held on April 10 from 3:30-5pm. Registration will be open until March 16th at 3 pm. All students are welcome to present and you may present your work on a poster or propose another display method, if that is more appropriate to your work or discipline.

To register, please submit your information to this online form (http://research.unl.edu/gradstudies/researchfair/grad.php). Read here (http://research.unl.edu/springresearchfair/) for more information on the Research Fair or to submit published journal articles, previous conference presentations, or other awards and honors to be published in the Research Fair program. Details on the Graduate Poster Session are available here: http://research.unl.edu/springresearchfair/spring-2018-research-fair/grad/

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Lisa Rohde (lrohde2@unl.edu).