Recruitment Material Wanted for NCUR 2018


The Office of Graduate Studies will be exhibiting at the 2018 National Conference on Undergraduate Research and welcomes departmental information and recruitment material to display.

On April 5 and 6, over 4,000 high-achieving undergraduate students will come together at the University of Central Oklahoma to present their research and creative projects. Students from disciplines as wide-ranging as dance and neuroscience (and everything in between) will present posters, along with oral, visual and performing arts exhibitions showcasing their work.

The Office of Graduate Studies is staffing a table at the Professional Preparation and Grad School Expo during the conference to engage with these students and promote graduate programs at UNL. OGS would like to feature and be able to distribute program-specific material to students in as many disciplines as possible and is requesting submissions of brochures, flyers, etc. by April 2.

To submit material or ask any questions about the event, please contact Kurt Mueller, Assistant Director of Graduate Recruitment, at