A letter from Chancellor Green:
"As UNL approaches its 150th anniversary in 2019, we are at a pivotal moment. We were founded to serve as the comprehensive public, land grant, research university for the people of the state of Nebraska. Now, we are poised to reach new heights in accomplishing our mission of innovative undergraduate and graduate education, world-leading scholarly research and creative activity, and service to the state of Nebraska and beyond. We have before us an unprecedented opportunity to renew our mission and envision the future of this great university for the next generation.
We have launched the “Nebraska Commission of 150” to develop a vision for the future of UNL – in fact, to chart our course for the next 25 years. The Commission will take a broad and expansive view of our university’s future and will develop a new strategic plan for the university. We have engaged the consulting firm of Academic Leadership Associates to assist in this process.
An early phase of this process includes several information and listening sessions and I’m writing to encourage you to participate. It’s critical to have input from UNL’s most important stakeholders – faculty, students, staff, alumni and community members. We want to hear your thoughts that will help us develop our vision and plan for the future.
I’m pleased to invite you to attend an information and listening session for graduate students on Tuesday, April 3rd at 10:15 a.m. in the Dana Board Room at the Wick Alumni Center (1520 R Street). The session will be facilitated by consultants from Academic Leadership Associates.
Your input into this process will help lay the groundwork for our strategic plan and will help us define precisely what questions we need to ask ourselves—and our community—to take us from where we are now to where we need to be."