What: Workshop on Active Learning in Large Lectures
When: Tuesday, April 10, 9:30-11:30 am
Where: Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center Room 212 (Unity Room)
RSVP: https://tinyurl.com/ALLLW2018
About: The purpose of the workshop is to give graduate students and faculty an opportunity to work with someone who has successfully implemented active learning strategies in large lectures. Dr. Milos Savic is an assistant professor at the University of Oklahoma and specializes in research on undergraduate mathematics education. In Fall 2016, he received a Risser Innovative Teaching Fellowship in order to teach a large lecture section of Calculus II using Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL). During the workshop, Dr. Savic plans to discuss how to implement classroom norms that encourage active learning in large lectures and help graduate students and faculty identify small active learning techniques they could implement without needing to completely transform their whole style of teaching in large lectures.
Give Away: The first 10 graduate students who sign up for and attend the workshop will be given a free digital copy of the book "Dynamic Lecturing: Research-Based Strategies to Enhance Lecture Effectiveness" by Christine Harrington & Todd Zakrajsek.
For More Information: Contact Erica Miller (erica.miller@huskers.unl.edu) or Nathan Wakefield (nathan.wakefield@unl.edu).
This workshop is being sponsored by the UNL Century Club and Graduate Student Assembly.