Welcome back to campus! And thanks to everyone for joining the Office of Graduate Studies last week during our annual Graduate Student welcome events. Continue reading…
For the 2018-2019 academic year, the Office of Graduate Studies is changing the format for GTA training. A series of professional development workshops on teaching will be offered throughout the semester. Continue reading…
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step," wrote Lao-Tzu. This adage certainly applies to your first semester of graduate school—but your journey doesn't need to be so long if you step in the right direction. Continue reading…
The GSA professional development committee is excited to share our career coaching event that will be held from 4-7pm on August 30th. Continue reading…
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Africa Forum welcomes graduate students from Africa, as well as those who conduct research in/on the African continent. Continue reading…
At New Student Orientation this year, Dr. Carr (Dean of Graduate Education) shared important information for all graduate students about their responsibilities as students. Continue reading…