All workshops will be offered in person on either City or East campus and will also be available via Zoom.
Principles of Learning Workshop
Aug 28, 3:30-4:30 pm, Henzlik 53
The knowledge and experiences students bring with them into a course, particularly that which might cause cognitive dissonance, strongly affect how they organize and make connections to new information.
To teach effectively, instructors and TAs must understand principles of learning (for example, identifying and activating students’ prior knowledge, and providing structure and context to help students organize new information).
This workshop will provide you with concrete teaching techniques and practical experience you can use to increase student motivation, engagement, and learning.
This workshop can be applied towards CIRTL Certification status.
Register Here:
Teaching Philosophy/Portfolio Workshop and Peer Review Session
Sept 4 and Sept 18, 3-5pm, LPH (old CBA) 128
If you are planning on applying for faculty positions, many universities may request a teaching portfolio or teaching statement. This Sept 4th workshop will discuss what materials should be included in a teaching portfolio, how to organize your evaluations and other materials effectively, and will provide an introduction to writing a teaching statement.
On Sept 18th, we will have a peer review session for your teaching philosophies where you will receive individual feedback on your statement.
Register Here for the Sept 4th workshop:
Register here for the Sept 18 session:
Writing Learning Objectives Workshop
Sept 11, 3:30-4:30 pm, Henzlik 53
Effectively designing a class requires first writing your learning objectives, or what you would like students to learn or be able to do after completing your class. This will help you design class activities and assessments that will help students achieve those objectives.
This workshop can be applied towards CIRTL Certification status.
Register here: