UNL's senior Nebraska Beef Industry Scholar class will sponsor the seventh annual Nebraska Beef Industry Summit. This year's summit will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 19 in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Animal Science Complex.
The schedule includes speakers discussing issues that have the potential to affect the beef industry in Nebraska and nationwide. The day will start by addressing the current cattle inventory with Jim Robb, director of the Livestock Market Information Center, and beef demand with Daren Williams, executive director of Communications for National Cattlemen's Beef Association. After lunch, a panel will discuss the future of production technologies. The panel will consist of Galen Erickson, professor from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Animal Science, Dr. Dan Thomson, director of the Kansas State University Beef Cattle Institute, and Ann Marie Bosshamer, executive director of the Nebraska Beef Council.
The panel will be followed by Kathleen Brooks from the UNL Department of Agricultural Economics who will discuss the future alignment of the beef industry and what Nebraska can do to become the beef epicenter of the United States.
The seminar will begin with registration at 8:30 a.m. and conclude at 4 p.m. Lunch will be catered on site and is included in the registration fee.
Registration for the Nebraska Beef Summit, which includes the cost of lunch and parking, is $50 and is required by Nov. 11. Call the Nebraska Cattlemen office at 402-475-2333 to register. Any additional proceeds will help support the students’ costs associated with attending the Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show in February.
This event is organized by the senior class of Nebraska Beef Industry Scholars with the assistance of the Nebraska Cattlemen. The NBIS class is able to host this event each year because of the generosity of numerous sponsors.