Ensuring Success for Multilingual Learners by Dr. Timothy Boals

Ph.D. Timothy Boals
Ph.D. Timothy Boals

What knowledge, skills, and dispositions are required of educators to ensure the success of multilingual learners? We are tasked, not merely with teaching English, but with providing meaningful opportunity to learn in our schools. Dr. Boals will review issues, research, and practices schools need. He will also talk about what WIDA is doing and consider possibilities for a WIDA UNL research/outreach partnership.

Tim Boals is the Executive Director of the WIDA Consortium. He holds a Ph.D. in curriculum from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with an emphasis in the education of English language learners. His background includes language education, educational policy for multilingual learners, and Spanish language and literature.
As the WIDA Executive Director, Dr. Boals oversees operations and long range planning efforts. He serves on the WIDA Research Subcommittee and his research interests involve the interplay between content and language learning for multilingual learners across the language acquisition continuum and the effects of standards on classroom practice for these learners. Dr. Boals frequently presents at national and regional conferences on the challenges facing multilingual students and how schools and educators can better meet their needs.

When: Thursday, October 11
Where: Teachers College Hall, Room 139
Time: 3:00pm

Check here the flyer: https://cehs.unl.edu/tlte/ICMEE/Flyers/UNL-Full-Poster%5B8668%5D.pdf

More details at: https://go.unl.edu/coga