Deadline: May 27, 2022
The Student Fellows at the Nebraska Governance and Technology Center (NGTC) are a diverse and interdisciplinary group, representing colleges and specializations across the University of Nebraska.
The goal of the Student Fellows initiative is to familiarize students with the nuances of working with professionals from other academic backgrounds, incorporating their diverse perspectives and vocabularies in order to better inform their own work. Student Fellows also attend events with our Faculty Fellows, getting a better sense of the academic research process and what makes for a successful academic research initiative.
Members of the class come from a diverse range of programs — from Integrated Media Communications, to Computer Engineering, to Law — but share a common interest in exploring the pressing issues technology fosters within society from an interdisciplinary perspective.
The program accepts up to 20 students per year with the goals of equal representation from the colleges of law (4 fellows), business (4), engineering (4), journalism and mass communications (4), and other colleges (4). Former fellows may reapply. Student fellows must attend the University of Nebraska and be able to attend things locally.
2022-2023 Program Details:
During the 2022-2023 academic year we will host biweekly in person workshops. These workshops align with the capstone Technology Governance course* taught by center faculty. Workshops will feature guest scholars presenting on their current work and discussion. Workshops are tentatively scheduled to be every other Tuesday and will fall between the hours of 3-5 during the regular academic semester.
Fellows are asked to participate in these sessions as their schedules allow, with the hope that most fellows will attend at least half. Other sessions around campus will be planned to facilitate collaboration and showcase programs around campus.
In the fall, students will have an opening retreat. This is tentatively scheduled August 26-28 (spending Friday and Saturday nights) at cabins near Lincoln. This event will center on the basic concepts surrounding technology governance, technology policy, and other leadership and networking activities.
In the spring, students will turn their attention to developing and producing an episode of the NGTC’s popular podcast, Tech Refactored, delivering insights into the topic they’ve been researching this academic year.
In addition, NGTC student fellows will participate in select events with the NGTC’s faculty fellows and will have the opportunity to attend lectures from leading experts in their fields. A further goal of the student fellows program is to create a community of scholars that could provide opportunities for future collaboration; to that end the student fellows program also includes various social events throughout the year.
*Student enrolled in this full course (which meets weekly, with these biweekly workshops being a core part of the class) are still eligible for the fellows’ program and may do both simultaneously.
We are currently accepting applications for the 2022-2023 class and the form may be found here. Please apply by May 27, 2022.
Fellows will receive a scholarship of $1,500 for the academic year.