Beware of scams and avoid them!

Avoid scams and report them!
Avoid scams and report them!

If you think you have been contacted by someone trying to commit fraud, please report it to the ISSO as soon as possible so that we can help you and other students.

Understand the Threats

*Common Scam Themes*

- A scammer will ask for payment via methods such as gift cards.
- Emails offering part-time employment that look like they are from Yale faculty or staff but are not. Before clicking into the link, use a second method to confirm the email is legitimate.
- The caller ID or phone number looks like government agency or police.
- A caller, texter, or letter will use fear, threats, and intimidation to get what they want.
- A scam requires immediate action.
- A scam includes punishment (often threats of deportation or arrest) for not acting immediately.
- A scammer will keep you on the phone for a long time and will not let you hang up to call back later.
- A scammer will use lots of legal-sounding language such as “federal regulations” and “visa fee” to sound as legitimate as possible.

Find a list of scams on USCIS website:

Please come to ISSO if you think you are getting scammed. Let us help you.