If you need a quick escape from the city, join Outdoor Adventures for a day of hiking around Platte River State Park. With 14 miles of trails to explore, this area offers a chance to relax and unwind from the week. Check out scenic views of the Platte River as you hike along dirt, tree-covered trails. Lunch will be provided along with awesome conversation and a great group of fellow hikers.
Event date: October 22, 2023, Time: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Cost: $30 for students/members and $50 for non-members. Sign up: https://crec.unl.edu/activities/adventure-trips
Date of Deadline: Oct. 16, 2023
Time of Deadline: 12:00 pm
Location: Outdoor Adventures Center
Contact: Audrey Krimm, akrimm2@huskers.unl.edu