International Student Volunteers Needed for a Language Seminar

As a Language Seminar volunteer, you will conduct simple group activities in your native language.
As a Language Seminar volunteer, you will conduct simple group activities in your native language.

Ready/Set/Go Seminar is looking for UNL International Student Volunteers who can help CEHS students experience foreign languages. As a Language Seminar volunteer, you will conduct simple group activities in your native language. We are currently looking for 7 international students with respective nationality. Those international students who participate in the seminar will receive a free UNL dining hall dinner ticket as a token of appreciation.

Please use the form here for registration:

Date: Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Time: 3:30 - 5pm
Location: Louise Pound Hall 137
Eligibility: Any UNL International student whose native language is not English

* Registration deadline: Tuesday, February 27. (Confirmation email will be sent on the 28th.)

If you have questions or concerns, email

More details at: