AAN Announces Diversity Scholarships, Student and Professional Funds


AAN is launching three scholarship funds to support the development of the next generation of journalists and journalism managers in alternative newsmedia. AAN Convention Diversity Scholarships

The Association of Alternative Newsmedia will award up to 20 scholarships of up to $500 to AAN-publication staffers and contributors to attend the Annual Conference.

The scholarship would pay for hotel and airfare (receipts would need to be provided) up to $500. The registration fee for the conference would be waived by AAN. These diversity scholarships are intended for:

1) people who would not be able to go the convention without the scholarship, and
2) people who will help diversify the crowd at the convention.

The recipients will be determined by the AAN Diversity Committee, in conjunction with the AAN office.

Each applicant should send a resumé, as well as an essay explaining why he or she fits the two criteria listed above. During the convention, grantees will be invited to meet with long-time AAN members/leaders.

Applications must be submitted to via email by April 30, 2012.

For more information, visit: http://www.altweeklies.com/aan/aan-announces-diversity-scholarships-student-and-professional-funds/Article?oid=6081500