Jacht applications are due Friday March, 12

Jacht applications are due TOMORROW Friday March, 12
Jacht applications are due TOMORROW Friday March, 12

Jacht Ad Agency is a full-service, student-run advertising agency that works with real-world clients. Jacht offers a wide range of opportunities to sharpen your skills in all stages of strategic campaign development.

Whether you want to focus on account management and strategy, creative execution, or even business development, Jacht is a great setting to explore future career paths.

Available Positions:

Brand Strategist
Business Developer
Diversity and Inclusion Specialist
Graphic Designer
Social Media Strategist
PR Specialist
Multimedia Strategist
Web Designer

Apply online at https://www.jacht.agency/apply by the end of day March 12. To take Jacht as an ADPR or BRDC capstone, you must have completed JOMC 134 AND be at senior standing.

If you have any questions, feel free to email us at jacht.admiral@gmail.com.