One of the unique things about CoJMC is the amount of time students spend in Andersen Hall outside of class. Andersen’s proximity to downtown, however means that the building cannot be open as regularly as others on campus for security purposes. The Student Advisory Board did not feel as though the current building access sufficiently served students, so we worked with Dean O'Hanlon and developed a plan that will allow 24/7 NCard access to Andersen Hall (specific details are below). We understand that many assignments in our college require software that students may not have on their personal computers. Increased access to Andersen Hall should eliminate the stress that goes with not being able to enter the building after hours or on weekends.
The 24/7 access is, however, contingent upon students respecting the building and the equipment inside. We have the responsibility to honor the trust Dean O’Hanlon has placed in us as students and protect the privilege of being able to utilize the building at all hours. Please report anything unusual or anyone who should not be in the building to the building monitors, the main office, or SAB as soon as possible. Should there be instances of vandalism or damage to property that occurs during times when the building is locked, this policy will be reassessed. I have no doubt that all of you will be able to handle the changes in a responsible manner. If you have any questions or concerns about the new building access policy or anything else, feel free to contact the SAB at sab.cojmc@gmail.com.
Michael Sholes
President, CoJMC Student Advisory Board
Building Access Policy
College of Journalism & Mass Communications faculty, staff and students will have 24/7 NCard access to Andersen Hall facilities for their study and research purposes and student organization activities effective January 14, 2013. The Computer Lab (Andersen 29) will be open at all times. Between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. the east building entrance requires NCard access:
Criteria for NCard Access
To be eligible for NCard access, you must:
1. have a valid NCard and
2. be a CoJMC employee or have an officially declared CoJMC major and be enrolled for the current semester.
Access may be granted to non-CoJMC majors who are enrolled in a CoJMC course which requires the use software in the computer lab. Permission of the instructor is required.
If you do not meet these criteria, contact Sara Skretta in the CoJMC Dean's Office with your request, 140 Andersen Hall, 402-472-3341, sskretta2@unl.edu.
NCard use is monitored through the UNL Card Access Management System. Access may be revoked at any time. Questions about your NCard access to Andersen Hall should be directed to the CoJMC Key Manager, Alice Mizerski, amizerski1@unl.edu or 402-472-4377.