Metro transportation/suburban beat: Combination enterprise/daily beat covering metro-area surface transportation issues and major street projects. This reporter also has responsibility for covering community news out of Papillion, La Vista and Gretna, with an eye to metro-wide trends. This reporter would, to a lesser extent, mine stories from the "exurban" area, meaning Cass, Saunders, Dodge and Washington Counties and primarily the cities of Plattsmouth, Fremont and Blair. A rich mix of daily and enterprise stories is expected. Works as a member of the metro-suburban team, backing up the Sarpy courts/suburban reporter as needed.
Sarpy courts/suburban beat: Combination enterprise/daily beat coverage, including responsibility for SarpyCounty courts and public safety stories and community coverage of Bellevue and Ralston. This reporter also has some general assignment obligations. A rich mix of daily and enterprise stories is expected. Works as a member of the metro-suburban team, backing up the metro transportation/suburban partner as needed.
Contact Melissa Matczak, melissa.matczak@owh.com.