Mingle with professionals and make valuable connections at the 2nd Annual Professional Networking Reception, sponsored by Career Services, Students of Color Career Advisory Committee and the Multicultural Business Student Association from the College of Business Administration. The event will take place Monday, Feb. 11, from 5 to 7 p.m. the Ballroom of the Nebraska Union. ( http://events.unl.edu/career_services/2013/02/11/44570/ )
Students can meet professionals in advertising/public relations, agribusiness, broadcasting, business, community health, computer software, criminal investigation, education, engineering, graduate/professional schools, journalism, law enforcement and others. Who knows where a relationship might lead?
Students can RSVP at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/unlnetworking and view organizations scheduled to participate. Students should dress business-casual. A resume is not required to attend the reception, but students can bring copies if they wish. Refreshments will be provided.