Barney McCoy makes appearance on KLKN TV

Professor Barney McCoy appeared on a Ch. 8, KLKN TV newscast on Feb. 17.

The topic was the social media app, Yik Yak, that is popular on college campuses. McCoy has been analyzing and collecting social media data.

McCoy says online threats and bullying are a scary reality in this day and age.

"Anytime it's anonymous it can be more dangerous because people who are reading the information just don't know what the motivation of the source was, that posted the information to begin with," states McCoy. He adds sometimes these posts to social media, allow officials to be one step ahead of any attackers, "If someone really intends on doing those kinds of things are they going to advertise their intent, maybe, may not, it certainly is the obligation of any responsible agency to check that out."

Ch. 8's video can be viewed at: