Multiple Openings, Alliance Times-Herald

Advertising Sales Representatives

The Alliance Times-Herald is seeking energetic, self-motivated individuals for the position of Advertising Sales Representative. Duties include sales, customer service, maintaining accounts and soliciting new accounts. Salary plus commission.
To apply send resumes to aaron@alliancetimes or Alliance Times-Herald, Attn: Aaron Wade, 114 E. 4th St., Alliance, NE 69301.

Lifestyles Editor

The Alliance Times-Herald is seeking a positive, community-minded individual for the full-time position of Lifestyles Editor. Duties include gathering information for and composing pages as well as covering local news. Familiarity with Quark Xpress and page layout would be beneficial.
To apply, send resumes to or Alliance Times-Herald, Attn: John Weare, 114 E. 4th St., Alliance, NE 69301