Apply Today for the Ida B. Wells Fellowship

The Ida B. Wells Fellowship, whose goal is to promote diversity in journalism by helping to create a pipeline of investigative reporters of color. The one-year fellowship will provide four emerging reporters with the opportunity to complete their first substantial piece of investigative reporting. A call for applications is available at The deadline to apply is April 18, 2016.
We ask that you please post and circulate the attached call for submissions and encourage promising candidates to apply.
The Ida B. Wells Fellowship will award each winner a $10,000 stipend plus funds to cover out-of-pocket reporting costs. The fellows will also receive extensive editorial feedback, legal counsel, research resources, assistance with story placement and publicity, training at the annual Investigative Reporters and Editors conference, and journalism mentoring.
Journalists of color are strongly encouraged to apply to the fellowship, as are other reporters who believe their presence would contribute substantially to diversifying investigative reporting in other ways.
The Investigative Fund at The Nation Institute incubates and supports important investigative stories with the potential for social impact. By providing reporters with editorial guidance, institutional support, and financial support, The Investigative Fund has produced stories that have sparked federal indictments, lawsuits, Congressional investigations, legislation, and the resignation of public officials. Our investigations have appeared in a wide array of outlets, including NPR and PBS as well as The Nation, Harper’s, The New York Times Magazine, The New York Review of Books, Mother Jones, Newsweek, Cosmo, Slate, and GQ. Our stories have also won some of journalism’s top awards, including the Polk, the National Magazine Award, and the Emmy.
Please be in touch with Senior Editor Kelly Virella at if you have any questions about the fellowship.