Do you have job or internship questions? Ask Courtney Pearson, the CoJMC career development specialist

Courtney Pearson works as the Career Development Specialist for the CoJMC. Her role is to help students navigate the internship and job search process.
Courtney Pearson works as the Career Development Specialist for the CoJMC. Her role is to help students navigate the internship and job search process.

Courtney Pearson works as the Career Development Specialist for the College of Journalism and Mass Communications. Pearson graduated with her bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies from the University of Wisconsin–River Falls and graduated with her master’s degree in Student Affairs Administration in Higher Education from the University of Wisconsin–La Crosse. As the Career Development Specialist, she’s ecstatic to be sharing her love of career development with students as they begin their professional journey.

Pearon said, “In my role as Career Development Specialist, I help students navigate the internship/job search process. This process may look different for each student. Generally though I advise students on resume and cover letter writing; I conduct mock interviews to prepare students for internship or job interviews; and I also help exploring students find internship or job openings in their area of interest.”

Ask Pearson your job and internship questions by stopping by her office, Andersen 107. You can also contact her at