Volunteer, IO Innovation Summit (Lincoln)

The volunteer roles we are looking to fill are:

- Directing attendees: Direct attendees from Point A to Point B.
- Greeters: Greet attendees and answer basic event questions.
- Note taking: Type up notes for main, startup, and corporate speakers.
- Hand/runner for speakers: Make sure speakers are ready to present at their designated time and tend to their needs.
- Showcase hand: Assist where needed during the startup showcase.
- Competition hand: Make sure startups pitching are ready to present at their designated time.
- Competition runner: Tend to the needs of the startups pitching and serve as a communication platform between competition hand and staff.

Volunteers for the IO Innovation Summit will receive a free t-shirt and have the opportunity to connect with VIP members.

Dates: June 19-21, 2017
Where: Pinnacle Bank Arena

To volunteer:


For more information on the IO Innovation Summit:
