Serviceship Opportunities - CoJMC

Happy week after graduation! For those of you interested in making some extra money this summer and covering the flood, we have a few full-time serviceship opportunities that just came up.

This is open to all majors.

Starting in late May, around May 20th, we will be traveling to various communities to pursue flood aftermath stories, so overnight travel will be required, and we will use the College of Journalism and Mass Communications as home base. Professor Sheppard will be working directly with the students and deploying into these communities around Nebraska.

It is $12.50 an hour for 40 hours a week for a total of $5,000 starting at the end of May and going for 10 weeks. Please let us know as soon as possible if you are available. This is a great opportunity to engage and contribute your voice to the flood recovery efforts while grabbing clips for that portfolio. We already have a few students committed, and we just found out we have more funding available to open up a few more spots.

Contact Professor Jennifer Sheppard if you are interested or with questions: