Thanks to all who were able to participate in our April 28 Chat With Chuck – COVID-19 webinar. The following topics were discussed:
1. Level 3.5 – Monday, May 4
a. Note, we have extended the ban on in-person Extension programs through June 15. I apologize that this does include 4-H Club meetings.
2. Parking permits – expect an invitation from Eric Buck on May 1
3. UNMC partnership – Ashley Mueller/Nikki Carritt
a. Nikki’s PowerPoint can be access here:
4. Ag is Essential – Ashley Mueller
5. Community Partner Needs Assessment – Emily Gratopp
6. Be a Bug Boss – Kylie Kinley/Nicole Stoner
7. Educator Retirements
8. Promotions
9. Qualtrics Discovery Survey Results
a. How are you feeling?
b. 30 Days of Wellness – Emily Gratopp
1. Slack Workspace title: Nebraska Extension Employee Wellness
c. Ergonomics
1. UNL Ergonomics Quiz -
2. Additional ergonomics information attached
To view the webinar, please go to:
Questions or comments?
Thanks for all that you do, and most importantly, be well!!!
More details at: