Technology 2025 Survey & Seeking Nominations for the Technology 2025 Work Team

The next step toward developing a Technology 2025 Plan for Nebraska Extension involves collecting information from Extension faculty and staff. We need to understand how everyone in the organization is using information technology to develop and deliver programs, how they are communicating with key audiences and the types of services needed to take advantage of what new technologies have to offer. Please complete this Technology 2025 Survey ( by Tuesday, June 30, 2020.

Also, we would like to continue to identify individuals interested in participating in the development of the Technology 2025 Plan. The commitment will involve participating in a planning session (1-2 days) in early August. Individuals will be asked to contribute to information technology goals and objectives, and to develop related action plans. Please email me at by Tuesday, June 30, 2020, if you are interested in contributing or to nominate a colleague.

Finally, we would like to thank everyone who had the chance to attend one or more of the Technology 2025 educational webinars presented April through early June. Presenters addressed many current and future information technology related topics such as the future of cloud technologies, security/privacy issues, big data, multimedia, open content, social media, information technology trends and directions, and UNL information technology services. Each program was recorded and may be viewed by linking to

Thank you for your assistance.

Dan C. Cotton
Director, Integrated Technologies, Nebraska Extension
Coordinator, Extended Education, College of Agricultural Science and Natural Resources
211 Agricultural Hall
P. O. Box 830703
Lincoln, NE 68583-0703
402.472.8841 (office) | 402.617.9969 (cell)