Resources are available to help you and your office prepare for the possibility of an active shooter event. Your office/unit may choose to include this risk in your office Emergency Action Plan (EAP) along with steps to mitigate the risk and act.
Recent events remind us of how important it is to be ready for any hazards. This is a good time to work together as an office, be intentional and find opportunities to practice for all hazards listed in your office/unit EAP.
Here are a few active shooter response training resources:
• Run, Hide, Fight. Surviving an Active Shooter Event. This video is available on the UNL Safety at Nebraska website. It is 6 minutes long and was developed by Ready Houston and the Department of Homeland Security. This resource can be shared publicly. You’ll also find a link to the Spanish language version. Go to https://safety.unl.edu/shotsfired
• Shots Fired on Campus: When Lightning Strikes. UNL purchased a license for this series, and it is for internal use only and not for distribution outside of UNL. You will need your UNL credentials to log-in and access this series. Go to https://safety.unl.edu/shotsfired
• Emergency Preparedness and Public Safety for Nebraska Extension. In this webinar, Mark Robertson, UNL Campus Emergency Management Director shares an overview on topics focused on situational awareness and safety for our campus community across the state. Mark explains a survival mindset, untrained vs trained, and actions to take. This resource is available on the Disaster Education website under Employee Resources. You can also access it directly at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsXJziGMjsU
• Standard Response Protocol (SRP) 2023 – Hold, Secure, Lockdown, Evacuate, Shelter. You may hear about the SRP 2023 in your area as the terminology is being shared with schools and Educational Service Units across the state. There are resources available in English and Spanish for pre-K through grade 12, higher education, businesses, and municipalities. From the “i love you guys” Foundation. Visit https://iloveuguys.org/The-Standard-Response-Protocol.html Note: the resources are available free of charge. There are Terms of Use, and Operational Guidance resources. There is also an option for a Notice of Intent and Memorandum of Understanding if you specifically incorporate the SRP 2023 into planning and wish to receive updates.
• Reach out to your local Nebraska Emergency Management Director (EM) and/or your local law enforcement officials. These professionals may be able to provide an assessment of your facility to help identify vulnerabilities and provide training. Find your local EM contact information here: https://nema.nebraska.gov/em-directors.php.
SRP 2023 Poster: https://go.unl.edu/srp2023poster
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to any member the Nebraska EDEN team - https://disaster.unl.edu/nebraska-eden or Soni Cochran, scochran2@unl.edu