Save the Date – Nebraska Extension’s Role in a Disaster

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As a trusted member of the community, your office may be one of the first places someone contacts for information and resources on disaster preparedness and recovery. During a disaster, you may also be tasked with unfamiliar roles.

What is Nebraska Extension’s role in your community if there is a disaster or emergency? Are you ready?

Save the Date: On June 20, 10 am CDT / 9 am MDT, join members of the Nebraska Extension Disaster Education Network team (Nebraska EDEN) for an online webinar and discussion on Nebraska Extension’s role in disasters. In the webinar, we’ll cover all phases of disasters: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery and how Nebraska Extension is best positioned locally, regionally, and across the state. Panelists will also share their experiences and how they have navigated their role in disasters.

This webinar is an excellent opportunity for new and seasoned extension professionals to have this conversation especially during blue skies. Watch for a Zoom invitation and plan to join the discussion.

Soni Cochran,