Nebraska Extension - Keeping Up


Nebraska Extension’s Role in Disasters

As a trusted member of the community, your office may be one of the first places someone contacts for information and resources on disaster preparedness and recovery. During a disaster, you may also be tasked with unfamiliar roles. Continue reading…


“Nebraska Extension Cares” Resource Cards

Cares Cards“Nebraska Extension Cares” wallet-sized cards are an excellent way to offer helping resources to the community. The cards are designed to be a quick reference for anyone needing to reach out for help. The red border on the front of the card includes "Nebraska Needs You" and "Reach Out". Continue reading…


Personnel Changes

Listed are Extension personnel changes that have occurred since the last Keeping Up. If we have missed someone who is new or who has left our system, please contact Kathleen Lodl or Rick Rasby.
Continue reading…

Originally published June 1, 2023 - Submit an Item