FEMA Individual Assistance is going through reforms that will expand benefits for disaster survivors, cut red tape, provide funds faster and give survivors more flexibility. You have an opportunity to learn more at a FEMA Region VII Lunch and Learn on March 12, 12 – 1 p.m. CDT / 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. MDT.
Changes to Individual Assistance will take place March 22, 2024. These include:
• Establishing Serious Needs Assistance
• Establishing Displacement Assistance
• Removing SBA loan application requirements for Other Needs Assistance
• Helping underinsured survivors
• Simplifying assistance for entrepreneurs
• Expanding habitability criteria
• Making accessibility improvements
• Removing barriers for late applicants
• Streamlining temporary housing assistance applications
• Simplifying the process for appeals
Prior to these reforms, FEMA already streamlined the DisasterAssistance.gov website and improved the Transitional Sheltering Assistance website.
Register in advance for this Zoom meeting using this link: https://fema.zoomgov.com/meeting/register/vJIsdu-hrTwpGGKxcGXVo7yfuF8ZFDxUx-E
After registering you will receive a confirmation email from FEMA R7 VAL no-reply@zoomgov.com with information about joining the meeting. The Zoom meeting Passcode is 184620.