The 2013 Joint NCEA and UNL Extension Fall Conference web site is Open!

This year’s conference will be held in Kearney, NE at the Younes Conference Center (416 Talmadge Road Kearney, NE 68845). We ask that you complete this registration form by the November 1 deadline or you will be responsible for finding your own hotel accommodations.

Please visit: to register for the 2013 joint event.

Take time to review the Agenda ( before filling out your registration form.

When filling out the registration form you will be asked to enter a password which will be up to your choosing in case you need to revisit the site and make changes to your registration. Please write this down because I will not have access to it if you forget.

NOTE: 2013 Lodging CHANGES

You will be responsible for making your lodging reservation and/or cancellation at one of three hotels (Fairfield Inn, Wingate Inn or Hampton Inn located next to the Younes Conference Center) in Kearney, NE for the 2013 conference.

Ask for the group rate for UNL Extension & Nebraska Cooperative Extension Association. DO NOT go through the Holiday Inn on-line/web registration site as your room expense will not be reimbursed. The lodging block reservation deadline is October 15, 2013. You can still make reservations after this date and will still get the group rate, but you may not get into the hotel of your choice. You will need to secure your room with a Credit Card or have already made arrangements through your county/district for direct billing options.

UNL Extension will pay for lodging Thursday, November 14 if you are registered. Other incidental charges, such as movies, phone, etc., WILL NOT be paid by UNL Extension. If your lodging reservation is not made by October 15, you will be responsible for securing your own lodging and will only be reimbursed the rate ($84.95) given us by the Younes Conference Center. Your Thursday night lodging ONLY will be direct billed to UNL Extension.

Reserve your room at one of these three hotels by calling:

Fairfield Inn -- 308-236-4200 (Recommended for NCEA Members)

Wingate Inn -- 308-237-4400

Hampton Inn -- 308-234-3400

Please contact Linda Tempel (402-472-3967), if you have questions. If you are unable to attend and do not cancel your reservation, you will be expected to reimburse UNL Extension for the cost of your room.

UNL Extension will reimburse county-based state funded employees for mileage related expenses. Car pooling is strongly recommended! Multiple cars from the same county will be questioned unless they can be justified by the number of people attending or differences in travel plans.

NOTE: Sign in at the conference registration table will again be mandatory.

For NCEA Members

NCEA participants will be responsible for paying for their meals and lodging Tuesday, November 12 and Wednesday, November 13. Your Thursday night (November 14) lodging ONLY will be direct billed to UNL Extension along with your Thursday and Friday meals. NOTE: NCEA Members may want to make their hotel reservations for the Fairfield Inn since the hospitality suite will be located there.

NCEA Registration, Section fees, meals and lodging for Tuesday, Nov. 12 and Wednesday, Nov. 13 will be the responsibility of the NCEA participant. Please send NCEA Conference registration INVOICE only and Check payment by November 1 to:

UNL Extension in Lancaster County
Lorene Bartos - NCEA Registration
444 Cherrycreek Rd, Suite A
Lincoln, NE 68528-1591

Web Technology and Fall Conference

We will be modeling use of internet technologies in an educational environment at Fall Conference. Please plan to show up at Fall Conference with the ability to use technology to interact with speakers, other participants, and your networks back home. And for those who cannot attend Fall Conference, there will be opportunity to connect with the keynote presentations and professional development sessions.

Every conference participant should carry along their laptop, I-Pad, or smart phone to fully participate in Fall Conference. Don't have one of these technologies? Let us know of your need to borrow an IPad when you register for Fall Conference. Have an extra I-Pad or laptop that you could share with an Extension colleague at Fall Conference? Please indicate this on your registration and we will attempt to match you up with a colleague in need.

As part of our 2013 Extension Fall Conference, we will be:
• registering using EdMedia’s new web conference registration service,
• stimulated by Leslie Fisher’s Technology Time Machine presentation,
• growing our technology skills at the Technology Café,
• applying web meeting rooms for connecting speakers with conference and remote participants,
• sharing insights and questions through Twitter;
• distributing Powerpoints, handouts, and agendas through the “Cloud” (paperless conference).

Come to Fall Conference prepared to enhance your conference experience using technology.
The 2013 Joint NCEA and UNL Extension Fall Conference web site can be found by going to the UNL Extension web site ( scrolling to the bottom of the page to the gray footnote section and clicking on “Employee Resources”. The 2013 Joint NCEA and UNL Extension Fall Conference web site is under the "Conferences" section.

For more information on lodging, travel and expense voucher information go to the Conference Guidelines ( web site.

If you have any questions, please contact Rick Koelsch or Linda Tempel.

We look forward to seeing you all in Kearney in November.

Rick Koelsch and Linda Tempel

More details at: