Greetings from the Director…

First, a hearty thank you to all for helping to make my first full year as your Dean & Director fun, exciting and engaging. I have truly enjoyed being back in Nebraska and having the opportunity to work with all of you. I see UNL Extension pushing the envelope nationally with creative and high impact Extension programming. That makes this job really fun!!!

Second, as we bring 2013 to a close, I hope you will take a few moments to look back on a satisfying year. The difference you make for the people who live and work in Nebraska and beyond is incredible. Also important is your contribution to our organization. I believe that UNL Extension is a great place to work, that happens when people care deeply about our mission and the people who deliver on that mission (all of us).

Third, please have a joyful and restful holiday season. Take a moment to say thanks to those who work with you. Commit quality time to family and friends and make this holiday respite special. And, come back to work on January 2 fully recharged and ready to make 2014 an even better year.

Best wishes to each and all,
