Centennial Celebration Volunteer Request

Celebrating 100 Years of Extension
Celebrating 100 Years of Extension

As part of Centennial year, UNL Extension is declaring a STATE FAIR EXTENSION CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION during the Nebraska State Fair on Saturday, August 30th. The day will include a State Fair Centennial Scavenger Hunt, open house in the new Nebraska Ag Experience, a formal Centennial presentation with an ice cream social.

Here’s where we need your help. We are looking for volunteers to help us during the open house from 1 –5 pm. We are looking for volunteers to be hosts of the building and welcome people to the open house and help us serve ice cream to the fairgoers. We could provide State Fair passes along with lunch for the staff person and one other volunteer.

If you would like to participate in the open house please contact Mike Riese at mriese3@unl.edu.

In addition, we have asked each action team to showcase their work during the open house. To participate within your action team, please contact your action team leader.

-- Mike Riese