Science Olympiad

This May, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln city campus is hosting the Science Olympiad National Tournament. This annual competition draws the top teams from each state olympiad competition: over 2,000 students will attend - among the best and brightest science students in the entire nation. Together with parents and team coaches we will have over 4,000 visitors. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase our university, and YOUR program.

2015 Science Olympiad National Tournament - May 15-16, 2015
UNL STEM Expo: 9am - 2pm Friday May 15, 2015

There will be lots of opportunities for faculty, staff, undergraduates, and graduate students to be involved. The biggest event we would like help with is the STEM Expo scheduled the day of arrival for the participating teams and their families. Held in the atrium, corridors, and classrooms of Jorgensen Hall, we hope the expo will include the information booths and demonstration stations that many groups regularly run at the Big Red Roadshow and Big Red Welcome. We’re asking departments to simply reprise what they ordinarily put together for events like Engineering Days/Chemistry Day/Math Day/Astronomy Day.

If you are willing host a booth/display, please contact Dan Claes, Department of Physics and Astronomy Daniel Claes <>. This is a great opportunity to showcase our STEM work!

-- Kathleen Lodl