Reminder: We Need Your University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Award Nominations

It is time to nominate colleagues for UNL Extension Awards. Nominations for the awards can be made by any member of the staff and should include justification as to why the individual or team being nominated is worthy of consideration.

To ensure equity among nominations, please use the Web-based nomination form at for each team or individual nominated. Limit your nomination to the front side of the form and return by Sept. 30 to Daisy Brayton at 313 Ag Hall, Lincoln, NE 68583-0705 or The criteria for each award is included with the nomination form.

A list of previous winners is also available at that website. The Extension Awards Selection Committee will meet to review all nominations and select a finalist list, at which time additional information about final nominees may be solicited. The awards will be presented at the Fall Conference.

-- Kathleen Lodl and Rick Koelsch