Working Out Loud Learning Circle

During the Lighting Session on "Addressing Grand Challenges" at Fall Conference, we shared the concept of Learning Circles.

Bob Bertsch, North Dakota State University and I are starting a round of Learning Circles after the first of the year and if you have an interest in participating please let me know. The times of the learning circles will be:

 Mondays at 12 p.m. CT beginning January 9
 Tuesdays at 11 a.m. CT beginning January 10
 Fridays at 9 a.m. CT beginning January 13

Working Out Loud can help you open doors that you may not have even known were there. It can help you feel better by taking more control of your life and work. It really is a game-changer.

A great way to get started working out loud is to join a Working Out Loud circle. A Working Out Loud circle is a peer support group of 4-5 people, that helps you make progress towards a goal by building relationships related to that goal. Groups meet for an hour a week for 12 weeks. By the end, you’ll have developed a larger, more diverse network, as well as habits and a mindset you can apply towards any goal.

John Stepper has created a FAQ which may also help -

Let me know if you are still interested and which time might work for you.

Connie Hancock – Community Vitality Initiative Educator
Nebraska Extension -
308–254-4455 –
920 Jackson Street
Sidney, Nebraska 69162